Star Wars in real-life #1: What it (might) look like if Darth Vader went on a road trip

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if a Star Wars character would do something you do, deal or work with in real-life? We thought it might be a nice idea for a new series. And Eliza Cochrane was so kind to kick it off with her combination of her interest in the motorhomes business and Darth Vader planning a road trip!

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CGI in Star Wars: “Do or Do not”

CGI…a dreaded word to some Star Wars fans. A tool that has caused division in not just this fandom but many others too as more directors are leaning towards using CGI instead of practical effects. While many fans don’t like the idea of CGI, many also don’t realise how much in Star Wars is actually still practical effects (PE).

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Awesome Tribute Videos - from

Awesome Tribute Videos #5: The Early Sequel Years

In our Awesome Tribute Videos series we now turn to the early Sequel years that are coming to a close as we write. When The Last Jedi completes its run in cinema’s across the world we will enter the ‘later Sequel Years’. So what awesome tributes did we see?

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